Hand holding a megaphone

Our employer newsletters that were issued in the past 12 months are attached to this page.

If you would like to subscribe to the newsletter, get an issue from more than 12 months ago, or to let us know about something you would like us to include in a future issue, please email pensions.regs@derbyshire.gov.uk.

Links to useful documents

Document about employer newsletter 210 - PDF employer newsletter 210 (306KB)

Issued July 2024: How your employees can contact the Fund, Academies and outsourcing, Contribution returns deadline, Audit informer document

Document about Employer newsletter 209 - PDF Employer newsletter 209 (282KB)

Issued June 2024: Teachers' excess service, annual benefit statements, outsourcing and risk sharing.

Document about Employer newsletter 208 - PDF Employer newsletter 208 (336KB)

Issued May 2024: Updated L1 Leaver form, When an employer needs to submit an L1 or L3, Updated L1 guidance notes, Common leaver notification forms problem areas, Training

Document about Employer newsletter 207 - PDF Employer newsletter 207 (375KB)

Issued April 2024: Local Government Association (LGA) employer training, Change to shortfall factors, 2024 / 2025 contribution returns, i-Connect reason for leaving, My Pension Online, Payroll guide for Prudential

Document about Employer newsletter 206 - PDF Employer newsletter 206 (330KB)

Issued March 2024: Employee contribution bands change, Contribution returns, Changes for the 2024/2025 year, i-Connect: Full Time Equivalent (FTE) pay, Investment related documents consultation response

Document about Employer newsletter 205 - PDF Employer newsletter 205 (264KB)

Issued February 2024: Employee contributions bandings 2024/25, i-Connect tolerance breaches, Preparing your March i-Connect file, Member engagement forum, Change to shortfall factors for early retirement calculations

Document about Employer newsletter 204 - PDF Employer newsletter 204 (313KB)

Issued January 2024: Consultation on changes to investment documents, i-Connect FTE pay, Documentation provided to new members, Changing payroll provider, The Fund's Annual Report

Document about Employer newsletter 203 - PDF Employer newsletter 203 (411KB)

Issued December 2023: Christmas and New Year opening hours, 2023 Derbyshire Pension Fund consultation, Message from the Pension Fund Team

Document about Employer newsletter 202 - PDF Employer newsletter 202 (308KB)

Issued November 2023: Employer shortfall costs, Cost of living, McCloud, My Pension Online

Document about Employer newsletter 201 - PDF Employer newsletter 201 (289KB)

Issued October 2023: Assumed Pensionable Pay, Queries from the Pension Fund, LGPS employer training sessions

Document about Employer newsletter 200 - PDF Employer newsletter 200 (344KB)

Issued September 2023: 'McCloud' remedy update, Deferred ill health retirement applications, i-Connect reminder

Document about Employer newsletter 199 - PDF Employer newsletter 199 (325KB)

Issued August 2023: Online bite-size training on ill health retirement for active and deferred members, authorised signatories and strike action FAQs

Document about Employer newsletter 198 - PDF Employer newsletter 198 (327KB)

Issued July 2023: My Pension Online, Derbyshire Pension Board: New Independent Chair, Online bite-size training: Final Pay and Assumed Pensionable Pay (APP), Employer role training sessions, General reminders

Document about Employer newsletter 197 - PDF Employer newsletter 197 (345KB)

Issued June 2023: Outsourcing and risk sharing, annual benefit statements, Seriously or terminally ill employees and ill health retirement, Derbyshire Pension Board