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Keep up to date with all the latest news from Derbyshire Pension Fund and the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) including changes to the website, regulations, governance, available training and best practice.  

25 July 2024 - Issue 210 of our employer newsletter has been published
5 July 2024 - Member Engagement Forum and details of the first meeting
23 May 2024 - Issue 208 of our employer newsletter has been published
29 April 2024 - Issue 207 of our employer newsletter has been published
26 March 2024 - Issue 206 of our employer newsletter has been published
15 March 2024 - Derbyshire County Council's Pensions and Investments Committee, in their role as the administering authority of Derbyshire Pension Fund, decided at their meeting on 6 March 2024 to approve the proposed documents which were published for the consultation.
22 February 2024 - Issue 205 of our employer newsletter has been published
9 February 2024 - Issue 204 of our employer newsletter has been published
31 January 2024 - Issue 203 of our employer newsletter has been published
9 January 2024 - The next meeting of the LGPS Central Joint Committee will on Friday 2 February 2024 at 11am.
12 December 2023 - Christmas and New Year opening hours.
5 December 2023 - Stakeholders of our Fund are being asked for comments on the Fund's proposed Investment Strategy Statement, Responsible Investment Framework and Climate Strategy as part of our 2023 consultation.
23 November 2023 - Issue 202 of our employer newsletter has been published
24 October 2023 - Issue 201 of our employer newsletter has been published
17 October 2023 - Issue 200 of our employer newsletter has been published
15 September 2023 - Derbyshire Pension Fund is now a signatory to the UK Stewardship Code 2020
28 July 2023 - Issue 198 of our employer newsletter has been published
28 June 2023 - Issue 197 or our employer newsletter has been published