We’ve partnered with the following LGPS Funds to form a collective investment pool: 

  • Cheshire Pension Fund
  • Leicestershire Pension Fund
  • Nottinghamshire Pension Fund
  • Shropshire County Pension Fund
  • Staffordshire Pension Fund
  • Worcestershire Pension Fund
  • West Midlands Pension Fund

This pool is known as the LGPS Central Pool and acts in accordance with government requirements for the pooling of LGPS investment assets.

Governance arrangements

The governance arrangements of the pool include the following bodies:

LGPS Central Joint Committee

The membership of the joint committee consists of one elected member from each participating council. The Chair of the Pensions and Investments Committee or their nominee is the representative for Derbyshire.

The clerk to the joint committee is the head of paid service or nominee of Cheshire West and Chester Council.

The purpose of the joint committee is to:

  • oversee of the delivery of the objectives of the pool
  • deliver client service
  • deliver against the LGPS central business case 
  • deal with common investor issues
  • provide assistance, guidance and recommendations to the individual councils
  • take into consideration the conflicting demands and interests of the participants within the pool

The joint committee doesn’t have delegated authority to make binding decisions on behalf of the participating councils.

You can find meeting papers and minutes for the joint committee on the Cheshire Pension Fund website.

Shareholders' forum

The purpose of the Shareholders’ Forum is to oversee the operation and performance of LGPS Central Ltd. They represent the ownership rights and interests of the shareholding councils within the LGPS Central Pool. Collective shareholder discussions take place in the Shareholders’ Forum and aim to ensure that: 

  • the councils act in a unified way in company meetings
  • an agreed set of common set of principles is established
  • unanimous decisions are made for certain reserved company matters.

Shareholder Forum meetings are distinct from LGPS Central Ltd company meetings; however members of the Shareholders’ Forum also represent the councils at company meetings.

Membership of the Shareholders’ Forum consists of one representative from each council.

The Derbyshire County Council Director of Finance represents Derbyshire at the Shareholders’ Forum and at LGPS Central Ltd company meetings. Decisions are reported back to our Pensions & Investments Committee.

Practitioners' Advisory Forum

This is a working group of officers appointed by the shareholding councils within the pool. They support the delivery of the objectives of the pool and provide support for the pool’s joint committee and Shareholders’ Forum.

The Director of Finance, the Head of Pension Fund and the Investments Manager represent Derbyshire on the Practitioners’ Advisory Forum as required.